User login & CMS
All users can login via the login page or via the Contact > Intranet link in the main menu. Once logged in, the user will be redirected depending on their role. Users with regular intranet access (Members) will be directed to the secure intranet page, whilst Administrators will be taken to the Content Management System (CMS).
News, Event & Blog posts
The first page administrators will see is the News & Events section where News, Events and Blog posts can be created, edited or deleted.
Adding a New Post
Adding a new post of any type is done via the page in the CMS. The type of post (News, Events or Blog) depends on which Category is selected. To add a new post, click + Add New Post and enter a Title for the page. The URL of the post will automatically be determined by the post title (for example a title of New Post, will create the URL
- The main content for the post should be entered in the visual editor. This gives additional abilities such as changing the text size and colour, adding hyperlinks or inserting images.
- The Add Media button allows images and other files to be inserted into the post. Clicking this will open the Media Library, where new files can be uploaded, or existing files selected.
- If a Featured Image is added to the post, it will appear within the summary, as well as on the homepage.
- The selection made in the Categories section determines which area (News, Events or Blog) that the post will appear in. Multiple selections can also be made for this.
- If the Events category is selected, an extra options panel for the Date and Location will appear (this may take a few seconds).
- If used, any Tags added here will allow all posts using the same tags to be linked together.
- To add a yellow quote box to the page, click on the QuickTags dropdown menu and select Thanzi Quote Box. This will insert the code wherever the mouse cursor is currently positioned on the page. To enter a quote, replace the ADD_THANZI_BOX_CONTENT_HERE text with the new content.“
The Thanzi Quote Box can be used on any page or post…
- Once all changes have been made, clicking the Publish button will make the post live. The post can be updated at any time after publishing.
- The Revisions section lists all previous versions of the post. If a mistake is made, it’s possible to revert back any previous version by clicking on the links.
Adding a Gallery
If multiple images need to be displayed on a page or post, they can be added as a gallery. To do this, click the Add Media button to bring up the Media Library. On the left hand side menu, click the Create Gallery link, then select the images from the gallery. Click the Create a new Gallery button to bring up the screen below.
From here, the order of the images can be changed and images can be removed. Depending on the amount of images, the best setting will usually be 3 columns with Medium size images.
WCAG 2.1 accessibility compliance
To meet the WCAG 2.1 accessibility guidelines, every image uploaded on the website much have an ALT tag and Title. These are short descriptions of only a few words, which can be added on the Attachment Details when uploading an image (or at any time after via the Media link in the CMS). The same text used for the ALT tag can also be used for the Title:
The website will automatically make all new content including News, Events and Blog posts compliant with the guidelines. The only other thing to be aware of is uploaded PDF documents, as these can fall short of the recommended guidelines, especially failing the readability and colour contrast tests. This will be different for each PDF, but they can be made compliant through editing the PDF design itself, or by copying the content onto the website as a new page or post.
Thanzi Intranet
Intranet content can be edited via the Intranet & Pages section. Regular website pages can also be edited in this area by clicking the All Pages link and selecting from the list.
To add a new file to the Intranet section, a new row must be added. To do this, click the +Add Row button. To upload a file on the row, click the +Add File button.
From here, click Upload Files to select a file from your computer, or choose a file from the Media Library which has previously been uploaded to the website.
Enter the Title of the file on the right hand side of the upload screen. This will be visible in the File Store downloads section (see below). The Caption text entered here can be a longer description/explanation of the file, and will appear when a user hovers over the file in the File Store. Click the Select button to save changes and insert the file.
The order of the rows can be changed by clicking in the left hand side of a row and dragging it up or down to change the sequence. To delete a file, hover over the right hand side of any row, then click the Remove row button. To save all changes to the section click the Update button.
Partner logos
Logos can be added, edited or deleted via the Partner Logos section. Click the Add New Logo button to bring up a new logo page. The Title (1) entered here will show when the user hovers over the logo in the carousel. An optional Description (2) can be entered for admin use, which won’t be visible in the carousel. Enter a web address in the Link URL (3) box which will open when the logo is clicked. This will open in a new (blank) tab (4) unless otherwise specified.
To add the logo, click Set Featured Image (5) to upload or select form the library (logos around 500px wide with a white background will work best). The Image Size (6) percentage can be changed, depending on the shape and style of logo, enabling a better visual fit in the carousel.
Once complete, clicking Publish (7) will save all changes and add the logo to the carousel. All logos will appear randomly on the website.
Managing Users
All current users of the website are listed under the Users tab. Users can be deleted or edited individually by admin users.
To add a new user click Add New and fill in the details. The default role of Subscriber will only allow access to the intranet page to download files or leave a comment. The Administrator role will allow full access to make edits to the website.
Clicking the Add New User button at this point will send an email to the new user containing their username, along with a hyperlink to set a strong password.