Improving population health and reducing health inequality in Southern and East Africa is central to Thanzi la Onse. By actively engaging with key health-system decision-makers at the national, regional and global levels, the programme strives to deliver research which aligns to the realities of delivering health care to citizens.
International Networks:
At an international level, Thanzi la Onse is working closely with the Center for Global Development (CGD). We will jointly convene Working Groups to investigate key topics, propose appropriate policy recommendations and pursue actions for policy change. CGD Working Groups typically involve specialist researchers, high-level policymakers and other relevant stakeholders. A first Global Health Goals and Guidelines Working Group has been established, together also with the HIV Modelling Consortium. This will inform how economics and epidemiological modelling can be used within priority-setting activities of international organizations such as the World Health Organization.
Thanzi la Onse has partnered with the East Central and Southern Africa (ECSA) Health Community which has strong links with senior officials in Ministries of Health across the region. Thanzi la Onse researchers collaborate with ECSA to convene working groups with senior decision-makers to disseminate research findings and discuss the specific challenges affecting their resource allocation decisions.
Two initial policy briefs will be produced by the Programme to provide technical guidance on health equity and Essential Health Package design.
Ministry of Health Planning Department
Policy makers from the Ministry of Health Planning Department in Malawi are directly involved and engaged in research under the Thanzi la Onse Programme. They are the link between Thanzi la Onse and their departments at the Ministry and play a fundamental role in informing researchers on policy needs in Malawi.
Knowledge Translation Platform
Informing future health policy in Malawi will be realised via the Malawi Knowledge Translation Platform, whose responsibility is to facilitate the translation of academic research into national policy-making through a number of Communities of Practice.
Thanzi la Onse has been invited to establish a permanent Health Economics and Modelling Community of Practice, convening representatives from Government, civil society, donor organisations, and the local research and clinical community, to meet regularly and discuss the Programme’s research findings and how to translate these into policy. Representatives from the Malawi President’s Office, Ministry of Health, Malawi Economic Justice Network, and Malawi Public Health Institute have already agreed to participate.
Public Health Institute of Malawi
The Public Health Institute of Malawi provides leadership in disease surveillance, research, prevent and control. It also generates evidence that informs policy and practice in public health services.
The Institute provides Thanzi la Onse with high level locally relevant expertise on translating academic research into policy and will support the Programme in linking the two together.
MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Uganda Research Unit
In addition to being a key Thanzi la Onse collaborator in terms of research and capability building, the MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Uganda Research Unit is also closely linked to the Ministry of Health and the Makerere University School of Public Health in Uganda. Such links support research under Thanzi la Onse in understanding policy needs in Uganda.